IRC bot used in ##pim but also StigmergyLive and Seedea in general.
Based on SupyBot
Supybot over IM
- Utopiah will write a tutorial soon (read "one day" ;)
See also
To do
- proper syntax highlightning in the logs
- check Pygments Python syntax highlighter
- send a link to a member who joins
- log anchored of his last presence since now
- logurl#$( grep "nick left|nick quit" logfile | tail -1 | sed "s/\(.*/) [*<].*/\1/" )
- either automatically or upon request !update
- send link of previous related discussions in the logs
load the MeetBot plugin
- check potential cross-platform relay
- Filtering System
- Based on user's nth last visit
- Based on timestamp
- Last n hour
- Today
- this week
- this month and etc
- BestConversations add
- input
- !bestconvo nickname: sentence to find
- output
- URL of the most recent instance found in the log
- grep "sentence to find" /path/to/pim.log | tail -1 | sed "s/ .*//" | sed "s|^||"
- apply regex
- example
- discussion
- userA: foo bar foo
- userB: bar.
- userA: s/bar/foo/
- the resulting log would display
- userA: foo foo (userA: s/bar/foo/) foo
- userB: bar.
List of the projects Hivemind-sb is funding or working on: