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Augmented Reality Objects In Space

Augmented Planification in Action


We use our environment in order no just to execute our plan but also to prepare it [Jacopin 1993]. Mobiles phones are changing the way we interact with our environment thanks to Augmented Reality or (AR). How will AR change the way we execute and organize our daily plans?

Planning and executing in general

  1. Offloading cognition into objects
  2. Spatializing a chronological plan
  3. Aiming for efficiency of resources

Extending through new tools

  1. Tools used before AR

How AR planning and executing changes the situation

  1. Examples
  2. Generalization
    1. creating an AR overlay is a first step in that direction except that now, the entire world becomes the "desk", yet it follows the same principle
  3. Risks
  4. Advantages


  1. Potential future consequences
  2. Ways to detect that the trend is actually going on


Related works

To do

  1. find papers on
    1. consequences of augmented reality and planning
      1. neuroscience and the role of neocortex
  2. develop each section
  3. create anchors and links
  4. explicit the plan in the introduction
  5. clarify Clark/Dror/Harnad references
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Page last modified on November 13, 2009, at 11:38 PM