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People looking at your PIM see the result but can't grasp the process that lead to it. A process that can be even more important thanks to the good habits it creates.

What an external viewer can see

  • page content
  • page history
  • organization of pages

What an external viewer can't see

  • decision of which page will be edited before editing
  • guilt if no edit done during a certain time period
  • proud after a major improvement
  • problems encountered
  • inefficiencies and efficiencies, especially if you are using dedicated tools
  • architectural decisions regarding the organization of pages
  • overall time invested
  • perceived return on investment
  • learning the required tools
  • understanding the underlying concepts
  • being able to find information added long time ago


Having a useful personal information management system is definitely not about how others judge it. It is only about how efficient it is for your own needs. Most of the advantages are especially hard to share with others since they are hardly quantifiable and even less tangible. Consequently rather than having quick results to show in the short run one should focus on an the constantly improving process on the long run, reshaping not just content but overall usage and habits.


discussion with a friend

14:27 <Franck> j'ai l'impression qu'il n'y a pas un jour ou tu n'écris pas sur ton wiki
14:27 <Utopiah> si je n'ai pas le net
14:27 <Utopiah> mais ds ce cas la je note sur mon laptop ou sur papier
14:27 <Utopiah> et apres j'edite ;)
14:28 <Franck> c'est stimulant
14:28 <Franck> dans le sens
14:28 <Franck> ou quand j'écris pas dessus
14:28 <Franck> je me dis
14:28 <Franck> putain t'as rien appris aujourd'hui?
14:29 <Utopiah> :)
14:30 <Utopiah> tu vois je pense que c'est ca le plus ... subtile ou etonnant
14:30 <Utopiah> c'est qu'en realite ce que ca t'apporte le plus c'est ce qui se voit le moins
14:30 <Utopiah> cad que tlm ne voit que le cote exterieur, le resultat final, mais jamais le processus qui y conduit
14:31 <Utopiah> et ce genre justement de changements du comportement
14:31 <Utopiah> voir meme d'etat d'esprit
14:31 -!- add to PIM
14:34 -!- endurance mais pas 1 fois ou edite pour ajouter tout ce qu'on sait
14:35 <Franck> ouais
14:35 <Franck> on dit que c'est le chemin qui compte et pas le but
14:35 <Franck> ca rejoinds un peu ca
14:37 <Utopiah> mais ca on ne le comprends qu'en marchant ;)
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Page last modified on April 17, 2010, at 05:16 PM